Call For Abstracts

We solicit single-page abstracts of either published work or research in progress. We plan to make a selection of papers that will be presented as a talk, or poster. We invite submissions on all topics related to data management, including but not limited to:

  • data storage, indexing, and management;
  • database theory, data models, semantics and languages;
  • database performance and scalability;
  • data integration, data quality, data cleaning, ontologies;
  • data mining, machine learning, information retrieval;
  • data security, privacy and personalization;
  • big data and data science

DBDBD has a tradition of favouring presentations by junior researchers. Proposals for presentations should be made before the deadline. Each submission should contain:

  • the title of the presentation;
  • the name and affiliation of the prospective speaker;
  • an abstract of the presentation;
  • reference(s) to papers covered by the proposed presentation.

The format is a one-page pdf-document, according to the provided template (download / overleaf) and should be submitted via e-mail to: dbdbd2024*

There are no printed proceedings. Accepted abstracts will be published on the DBDBD 2024 website and will be presented at the workshop.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 15/10/2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 22/10/2024
  • Registration Deadline: 8/11/2024
  • Workshop: 22/11/2024


Please register at this link before 8/11/2024.

The registration fee is €40 for PhD students and €50 for all other participants (note: SIKS covers the cost for its PhD students — check the option in the form if you are a SIKS PhD student). This fee can be paid digitally on the registration platform. We do not accept bank transfers.

We need this money to pay for coffee breaks and lunch (the drinks and snacks are provided by AmsterdamAI).

After registration, you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration and another e-mail confirming your payment. Further registration details can be found on the registration platform.

For questions related to your registration, contact the organisation committee at: dbdbd2024*

(Public Event)

The keynote, industry session, poster session, and refreshments will be open as an AmsterdamAI meetup for a wider public.

People registered for DBDBD do no have to register for the meetup part, since it is part of the DBDBD program. But people not attending DBDBD, who join after 15:00 for the meetup, should register (and pay) via this Eventbrite link.
